9.1.- 20.1.2025. Otvorenje izložbe održat će se u četvrtak, 9. siječnja u 19 sati u Galeriji ULUPUH, Ilica 13. Izlažu: Polona Demšar, Paola Korošec, Mojca Smerdu i Dani Žbontar “Ovo …
Galerija ULUPUH Ilica 13 / 1. kat, Zagreb 13.12.-30.12.2024. Izloženi su odabrani radovi s radionica kostimografije, mode i tekstilnog oblikovanja: Na izložbi sudjeluju studentice i studenti diplomskog studija Kostimografija s …
ULUPUH – Hrvatska udruga likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti raspisuje: KRITERIJI ZA PRIJAM NOVIH ČLANOVA U SEKCIJE: Sekcija za arhitekturu Sekcija za fotografiju Sekcija za grafički dizajn i vizualne komunikacije Sekcija …
POZIV NA PRIJAVU ZA SUDJELOVANJE NA RADIONICAMA Termin radionica: 9.12.-12.12.2024. Temu ovogodišnje radionice PRIČE IZ DAVNINE: Kostim / Moda / Instalacija / Objekt osmislila je naslovna izv. prof. dr. art. …
Knjiga Kazališni obzori Tomislava Krizmana, posvećena istaknutom hrvatskom likovnom umjetniku i kazališnom scenografu i kostimografu Tomislavu Krizmanu, četvrta je knjiga u biblioteci Kazališna likovnost u knjizi koju su 2017. godine …
Izložba ULUPUH sekcije za multimediju i intermediju 14.11.-27.11.2024. Otvorenje izložbe održat će se u četvrtak, 14. studenog u 19 sati u Galeriji ULUPUH, Ilica 13. Autor koncepta i programa: Željko …
Izložba Sekcije za multimediju i intermediju ULUPUH-a Rok za prijavu: 12.11.2024. do 16 sati Autor koncepta i programa: Željko Blaće za sekciju MMiIM Kustoski i produkcijski tim: Sanja Bachrach Krištofić, …
Tematska žirirana izložba Sekcije za oblikovanje plemenitih kovina i umjetničkog nakita ULUPUH-a 29.10.-11.11.2024. Otvorenje izložbe održat će se u utorak, 29. listopada u 19 sati u Galeriji ULUPUH, Ilica 13. …
ULUPUH otvara priliku mladima da se uključe u program volontiranja koji će im omogućiti stjecanje znanja i iskustva u radu u kulturnom sektoru. Možeš nam se pridružiti na sljedećim pozicijama: …
My artistic practice is based on a daily performance that removes all the boundaries between Life and Art. While pushing boundaries, I put my characters into action. I take you for a ride, creating comical situations and telling stories, in order to be able to finally write one. I enjoy navigating on the edge of reality and fiction, convinced there is no real line between them. They seem to coexist: there are falsehoods in reality as well as there are truths in fiction. I explore feelings that are profoundly human but set aside because they’re too often misjudged to be negative: The loss, the absence of something or someone, warped memories, suppressed fantasies, misunderstandings, the unsaid, all the things that seem impossible to share: They are all put aside, nevertheless, they seem to be inevitable in order to exist: they are these “almost nothings” which constitute the singularity of the individual, of who we are. They are what isolate us from others, but also show our absolute need for them, otherwise, we do not hold up in the world. We are all the characters in somebody else’s life. I am observing emotions, objects, situations of daily life, and abstract or philosophical notions, with the same eye and with the same concern for the singularization of the banal as well as the exceptional. I use art as an excuse to make impossible situations possible and explore the ability of the imagination to transform life. Art is the possibility of showing the elusive. It is the possibility of making non-existent things come alive, it is the possibility of giving them a form. When you can’t name a thing, when you can’t remember, you can always try to produce something that would be the very embodiment of that thing that doesn’t exist. I like to create exhibitions and projects as an experience for the visitors and me. I want the visitors to be more than simple observers. I always try to allow them to be more by giving them the possibility to play a new role which they are free to play or not.